
Duplex/Side by side developments

Comparatively simple compared to other development styles, duplex/side by side developments are extremely popular with first time developers. Often the case, an old home is demolished to make way for two modern, low maintenance homes similar in size. Keep one and sell the other, rent them out or sell them both, whatever your plan the potential for return on investment is exceptional.

house behind house

Advantages of Duplex/Side by Side Developments

• Unlock unused value in your big block.
• Demolishing and building provides more configuration options than a house-behind-house development.
• Subdivision and finance approvals are comparatively easier to obtain.
• Modern, low-maintenance homes are easier to sell or rent out.
• Selling or renting one or both homes provides huge cash flow opportunities.

Typical Development Layouts

While the example shown is typical of duplex/side by side development, each Redink Development is approached differently to best unlock land value and maximize your returns. Partner with us and your layout will be customised to your development.


The fastest way to check if your property is eligible for subdivision is to find out its Residential Planning Code (R-Code). Your local council will be able to provide this information. As a general rule, the calculations below can be used for a duplex development.

  • R20
  • R25
  • R30
  • R40
Total Required land area
  • 900m2
  • 700m2
  • 600m2
  • 440m2

Register for an obligation free planning session

Simply fill out your details and we will get in touch with you.

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